3565 Hubble Road • Cincinnati, Ohio  45247
Web Site:   www.stjameswhiteoak.com
E-mail: info@stjameswhiteoak.com
Sunday July 28th - 4:00M till 10:30PM
Friday July 26th- 6:00PM till Midnight
Saturday July 27th - 5:30 PM till Midnight

First Name
Last Name
Email Address
Cell Phone
Feedback Desired 

  At the Volunteer Dinner Fr. Tom asked me how many volunteers we have
involved in the festival. I answered with the number 3782 or something
like that. This was just a number I pulled out of the air but if you
consider every aspect of the festival you may come up with a number
close to that. We again want to thank every person who volunteered
anywhere in the process of presenting the festival. With so many
volunteers we also have varied opinions. We would like to hear from
you! Whether you volunteered or just attended please give us some
feedback. We like to know how you felt about the bands, games, set up
or tear down, major award or Bengals tickets, or whatever you have an
opinion on or idea about. Please email opinions to
klackman@cinci.rr.com....or insert comments in box to the right --------->                                You can also drop a note in the collection
basket at Mass or at the church office addressed to St James Festival.                          Thanks again,
Mary and Kevin Lackman.